We are OKC


Project Status: Complete

We Are OKC brings to light all the faces in Oklahoma that make up the LGBTQ community, and bring attention to LGBTQ issues in Oklahoma City and Oklahoma as a whole. 

The Challenge:

Oklahoma has been in the national media several times over regarding their anti-LGBTQ legislation. In 2016 alone, our state legislators, the individuals that were voted into office to make decisions that affect all Oklahomans, have ntroduced 16 pieces of legislation meant to marginalize the LGBTQ community

It is our goal to take that discussion to the trenches of Oklahoma City society. We are working to create a dialogue among the general population in Oklahoma and in OKC that will let everyone know that the gay community does in fact exist and that we are human beings just like everyone else. 


Project sponsors: Scout Books


Work completed to date:

Phase 1a: Re-naming
Status: Complete
Donated Value: $1,750

Phase 1: Re-branding
Status: Complete
Donated Value: $3,500

Phase 2: 500 Scout Books
Donated Value: $695

Scout Book inserts for Pride week,
The District in the Dark map
Donated Value: $850

Project Team

Studio Partners
The Beauty Shop

Visible Members
Thomas Nevarez
Holly Hawk Creative
Joe Maher
Jules Rovegno