XXcelerate Fund


The XXcelerate Fund imagines a world where funding high-performing women entrepreneurs is the norm, not the exception.

Despite starting businesses at twice the rate of men, 97+% of venture investment and 95% of bank loans goes to all-men startups. Improved gender parity in the US has the potential to increase GDP by $4.3T by 2025. They are dedicated to providing funding, education, and support to women-owned businesses.

Smith & Connors hosted and facilitated a day-long retreat with XXcelerate board and staff members. Together they explored ideas about the next steps for growth and evolution of the organization.

During the retreat, they helped XXcelerate Fund to articulate the organization’s mission, vision, and values, and created a map of current and potential partners in business, philanthropy, culture, and government. They developed a strategy to profile target audiences, and outlined key messages and talking points.

Project Team

Smith & Connors

Donated Services

Meeting Facilitation
Strategy Document

Donated Value


The Beauty Shop Studio